Andrew Ouyang

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About me

Since I graduated from college with a bachelor degree in automation many years ago, I have worked as a computer hardware engineer, a business director and a business advisor. I have extensive experiences in computer technology, business management and IT implementation for business. Recently I have completed most of a coding course in full stack web development at University of Sydney. Over the course I have learnt and practiced programming with languages and libraraies/frameworks that include HTML, CSS, Boostrap, JavaScript, jQuery, API, node.js, express.js, MYSQL database, sequelize, RESTful crud, MVC structure, jest test and insomnia. I also gained experiences on project management from using Git/Github, Agile, Kanban methods and Heroku deploymentation in group projects. I'm passionate about adapting to new technoloies that I intend to use to solve complex real world problems. Currently I continue studying full stack web delevopment. I also consider taking courses in cloud computing and AI/ML as I intend to become a software engeering consultant.

Works (Click on project name to view)

A tourist info image
Project1: Tourist-Info

This is an imformative tool for tourists to quickly obtain location and backgroud info for a city they may visit. It utilizes the Google map and Wikipedia by implementing API querying. It has a fully functional Google map and is completely interactive while the major info is extracted out from Wikipedia.

The application provides user-friendly UI. It records up to four previous searches.To re-visit a search just by clicking on the name on the list bar. New search is added at the top with the first letter automatically converted to uppercase. A clear botton gives an option to clear out previous searches. By default, the city of Sydney is displayed. When an invalid name is entered, an error message will popup.

HTML, CSS, CSS framework from Tailwind, Javascript, jQuery and server side API data fetching are used in this application. I was responsible for Javascript structuring and rendering, as well as some CSS stylings. Github repos link:

Project2: Book-Taku

Book-taku is an application that allows reader interact with to see information about a list of books and adds comment to them after login or sign up. MVC instructure is implemented in this application. The technologies used include MYSQL database, sequelize, node,js, express.js, session and store for cookie, handlebars templating engine, and bcrypt, dotenv and pagination packages. The Book-taku application is responsive and interactive . This is a full stack development. For delails and codebase: Github repos link:

 book taku
A password generator
Password Generator

This app was coded largely with Javascript logic programming, some CSS styling as well as HTML. This password generator can generate a password for a user with choices of uppercase, numeric or symbol between 8 to 128 charaters. User can choose different combination by ticking on the checkbox and length of the password. After ticking the options, by clicking on the Generator button, a randomized password is generated and displayed. Github repos link: